Risultati per 'Citokines':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'Citokines':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 cytokine - wikipedia
Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins (~5–25 kDa) important in cell signaling. Due to their size, cytokines cannot cross the lipid bilayer of cells to enter the cytoplasm and therefore typically exert their functions by interacting with specific cytokine receptors on the target cell surface.

 cytokine | journal | sciencedirect.com by elsevier
About the journal. An Official journal of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) Cytokine will publish studies that report on the molecular biology, signal transduction, genetics, biochemistry, immunology, genome-wide association, pathobiology, diagnostic, clinical, and therapeutic applications of all …. View full aims & scope.

 cytokines: from clinical significance to quantification
Cytokines and their clinical significance are introduced from the perspective of their pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. Factors affecting cytokines quantification in biological fluids, native levels in different body fluids, sample processing and storage conditions, sensitivity to freeze-thaw, and soluble cytokine receptors are discussed.

Altri risultati:

 cytokines: from clinical significance to quantification - pmc
Cytokines and their clinical significance are introduced from the perspective of their pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory effects. Factors affecting cytokines quantification in biological fluids, native levels in different body fluids, sample processing and storage conditions, sensitivity to freeze‐thaw, and soluble cytokine receptors are discussed.

 cytokines: introduction | british society for immunology
Cytokines: Introduction. In order to mount and coordinate an effective immune response, a mechanism by which lymphocytes, inflammatory cells and haematopoietic cells can communicate with each other is required. Cytokines perform this function. Cytokines are a large, diverse family of small proteins or glycoproteins (usually smaller than 30 kDa).

 cytokines: names and numbers you should care about - pmc
Cytokines act in concert to generate inflammation in host defense and disease, but some cytokines attenuate inflammation and induce repair. Individual cytokines can be inhibited by antibodies or competitive receptors or by the therapeutic use of immunomodulatory cytokines. These biologic agents are now widely used to treat inflammatory diseases.

 a primer on cytokines - sciencedirect
Cytokines are immune cells secreted low molecular weight proteins with pleiotropic and cell-specific functions such as cellular communication and co-ordination of cellular responses. The cytokines gene expression is tightly regulated under basal homeostatic conditions and the constitutive expression is often absent; however, a variety of stimuli may affect their transcription and translation ...

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